    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
    تواصل معنا
    واتسب: 00970566448448
    ايميل: info@kashif.ps
    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    An image of military personnel circulated on social media claiming the killing of US general, John Birgi, commander of the Special Tasks Battalion “American Delta” which is now participating in Gaza, and the commander of joint operations, Colonel Yohan Yacoub from the Gevati Brigade, in an explosion targeting a tunnel with a group of their unit in southern Gaza.

    The Israeli affairs team in Kashif found that the image is old and the claim to be fabricated, relaying on research in media and Israeli, Hebrew speaking sites, and found no mention of this information.

    Kashif also found that the image was published by a site in 2012 as part of a report talking about US special forces “Green Berets”.

    Source of verificationSource of claim
    Media and Israeli, Hebrew speaking sites

    حرية أمل

    محمد عمار Mohamed Ammar

    وادي سبأ



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    رابط المقالة المختصر: https://kashif.ps/tr92