Since October 7, when the Israeli occupation aggression against the Gaza Strip was launched, multiple accounts have been very active on social media platforms, specifically on X, formerly Twitter. These accounts publish a lot of false information, photos, and videos daily. “Hoda_jannat” was one of these accounts.

Kashif has been tracking claims and misinformation across various platforms, Kashif found that “@Hoda_jannat” repeatedly spreads misleading information and takes events out of context.

While “Hoda Janat” account defines itself as “interested in Arab and global issues and as the primary source of information”, it contains a lot of misleading information that aims to distort the image of Palestinians in general and Hamas in particular, and publish news against the Houthis, Iran, Afghanistan, and Qatar, and praised “the achievements of the Israeli occupation army in the Gaza Strip.”

The X account was created in 2020, with no photo or information about the owner. It has already posted over 19,000 tweets, and has over 45,000 followers, at the time of publishing this report.

The account has increased in posting over the past month, sharing 1,262 tweets, an average of 42 tweets daily.

Following is the most prominent misleading information published by “Hoda Jannat” on X:

First: A video of Hamas placing Israeli children in animal cages and taking them through the streets of Gaza:
Kashif verified this information and came out with the following conclusion:
The video is old and has nothing to do with the events of October 7, 2023. The owner of the video confirmed that the children who appeared in the circulating clip are his relatives and not Israeli.

Second: A video of Palestinians celebrating New Year’s Eve in Ramallah in the West Bank during the aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Kashif verified this information and found that the video is old and dates back to 2019. The Ramallah municipality also announced this year that the Christmas tree would not be lit and was not put up at all, and was replaced with a resembling of a demolished room as an expression of sadness at Christmas time as the aggression is ongoing in the Gaza Strip.

Third: An old interview with Fayez Al-Duwairi indicates that he deceives people with lies and illusions after Qatar paid him $ 22,000 per month.

Kashif verified this information and came out with the following conclusion:

The video is excerpted from one of Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi’s interviews on Al-Hiwar Channel and was used out of context. Al-Duwairi presented the military capabilities of the Israeli occupation army in a statistical context, far from any other circumstances such as the nature and location of the fighting. Then he moved on to talk about these circumstances that force the occupying state not to use all its military capabilities within what he called “surplus force.” He then went on to explain the nature of the confrontation that the Israeli occupation army was prepared to wage, which differs from what is taking place in the Gaza Strip.

Fourth: Jannat_Hoda published two photos of journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh, which the account attached with the following caption: The photo on the right is of Wael Al-Dahdouh on the bed on 16 January 2024, when he was taken out of Gaza on a stretcher to a hospital in Egypt after his health condition worsened and he said that he could not stand. The photo on the left is on 17 January 2024, Wael Al-Dahdouh arrives via Qatari military plane to the Qatari capital, Doha, in good health, jumping and running like a horse.

Kashif verified this information and came out with the following conclusion:

The photo of journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh on a hospital bed is excerpted from an interview with journalist Wael Al-Dahdouh on 15 December 2023 on Al-Jazeera, in which he recounts the details of the targeting of Al-Jazeera’s crew by an Israeli reconnaissance plane, along with his colleague, photojournalist Samer Abu Daqqa, in Khan Yunis, which led to Al-Dahdouh’s injury, and the killing of Abu Daqqa.

​This was not the only tweet regarding Al-Dahdouh by this account. Since his departure from the Gaza Strip on  16 Jan 2024, the account has published several tweets stating that Wael Al-Dahdouh fled Gaza because it was revealed that he is one of the leaders of Hamas, and that he does not need treatment, and that his second wife is waiting for him in the palace in Qatar.


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المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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