Social media accounts shared a video from inside the Indonesian hospital claiming it was a live broadcast from Al Jazeera, the video was captioned “In a live Al Jazeera broadcast, armed terrorists were exposed inside the hospital in Gaza… the whole world will know the truth! And thanks to Al Jazeera for mistakenly helping us expose that.”

The “Israel” account on X, formerly known as Twitter, also published a fragmented image of the video showing the stick of a security operative in the Indonesian hospital with the following claim: “Footage of Hamas terrorists inside the Indonesian hospital in Gaza.”

Kashif verified the claim and found it misleading, as the observatory broke down the video and obtained a set of images showing that what appears in the video is a rubber stick, as shown in the pictures below.

Kashif also contacted the journalist Fadi Al-Wahidi, from inside the Indonesian hospital. Al-Wahidi said that there is no presence of any weapon or gunman inside the hospital. He explained that the video shows a rubber stick, which is used by security personnel inside the hospital, in case of any disturbance and to ensure protection and calm among the injured and displaced civilians inside the hospital.

Source of verification Source of claim

AlJazeera Arabic قناة الجزيرة

الصحفي فادي الوحيدي
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Oded Ben Zvi



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