    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
    تواصل معنا
    واتسب: 00970566448448
    ايميل: info@kashif.ps
    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    Dr. Eli David, an X username, posted a photo of a banner at a demonstration in London reading: “You don’t need to be a Muslim to stand up for Hamas: You just need to be a terrorist”.

    Kashif verified the authenticity of the image and found that it was manipulated, showing signs of modification on the banner, specifically the words “Hamas” and “terrorist”.

    The original photo of the sign reads: “You don’t need to be a Muslim to stand up with Palestine: you just need to be a human”. The photo was widely shared on social media platforms.

    Several mass demonstrations took place in the British capital, London demanding a cease-fire on the Gaza Strip.

    Eli David, identifies himself as a researcher, lecturer, entrepreneur and investor and is followed by more than 500,000 people on X، “formerly Twitter”.

    Source of verification Source of claim
    Halal Nation

    khadidja Bgr



    ᴀᴅɴᴀɴ ʙᴀQᴇʀ



    TRT عربي
    Dr. Eli David
    رابط المقالة المختصر: https://kashif.ps/wg6w
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