A video clip of a huge explosion has recently spread on social media, with the claim that it was an explosion at the headquarters of the Israeli occupation intelligence agency “Mossad” in Tel Aviv. The clip was accompanied by the following text: “A huge explosion in Tel Aviv at the headquarters of Mossad.” 

One source of the claim

Kashif verified the video via “Google Images” tool, and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video dates back to explosions that took place in an industrial area in the city of “Tianjin” in northern China in 2015, not at the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv.

BBC News posted the video on YouTube on 14 August 2015 with the following title: “Tianjin explosion video documents eyewitnesses’ fear.” The channel stated in the video’s description that the Chinese city of Tianjin witnessed two major explosions as a result of a fire in a warehouse belonging to a company specializing in handling dangerous goods, which led to the deaths of dozens and the injury of hundreds. 

Screenshot of the video clip from BBC channel dated 2015.8.14

The video was published in a report by the Guardian on 15 August 2015, which stated that explosions occurred in the Chinese coastal city of Tianjin on Wednesday, 14 August 2015, at a storage site for toxic chemicals and gas, killing at least 55 people, including firefighters. The report added that the explosions were so massive that they were seen by satellites in space. 

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced on Tuesday evening, 1/10/2024, that it had targeted 3 military bases in Israel with a missile attack. It confirmed that this operation came in response to the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, and the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. 

For its part, Channel 12 announced that Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles targeting several areas across Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said at the beginning of the emergency meeting of the political and security cabinet, on Tuesday, 1/10/2024, “Iran made a big mistake tonight and will pay the price for it,” and he pledged to respond.

Sources of verificationSources of claim
BBC News

the guardian


Al Mayadeen

Abdul Salam Al-Yemeni

Abu Zanjabil Al-Houthi

Nasser Al-Nasser

Sajeda Al-Qaisi Sajeda Al-Qaisi

Diaa Al-Rashidi

The Old Bat

The World Anti-Corruption Organization Algeria Branch

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المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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