    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
    تواصل معنا
    واتسب: 00970566448448
    ايميل: info@kashif.ps
    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    Telegram groups circulated a photo of a young man, claiming it was of Uday al-Qatouni, who was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces in the al-Ain refugee camp, west of Nablus. 

    One source of the claim

    Kashif verified the photo and found that it was falsely linked to Uday al-Qatouni. Local media outlets , including the Palestinian News and Information Agency (WAFA), published Uday al-Qatouni’s photo, the circulated photo is of Farouk Khaled, who posted it on his Facebook account.

    A picture of the young martyr, Adi Al-Qatouni
    The photo circulated on Farouk Khaled’s account

    Israeli special forces (“Musta’ribeen”) infiltrated at dawn Wednesday, 19/3/2025, the Al-Ain refugee camp, west of Nablus, and fired live ammunition at a vehicle in the camp, killing of the young man, Adi Adel Al-Qatouni, who was present in the vicinity of the targeted vehicle. Clashes erupted inside the camp, resulting in the injury of three citizens, including Farouk Rashid Khaled, who was shot in the abdomen and hand and was arrested. Another was injured as a result of being beaten, and a third was injured as a result of falling from a high place.

    Sources of verificationSources of claim
    Al-Madina TV

    Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda – alhaya.ps

    Palestine News and Information Agency – 
    WAFA (1)

    Palestine News and Information Agency – 
    WAFA (2)
    Telegram groups

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