Accounts on “X” published a picture of a huge fire, claiming that it was caused by the Israeli attack on Tehran on Saturday, 26/10/2024.

One source of the claim

Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” tool and found that it is old and was incorrectly linked to the explosions on Saturday at dawn due to the Israeli military attack on Iran. The image dates back to a fire in the Iranian capital, Tehran, in June 2021.

The image was published by gettyimages on 2/6/2021 with the following description: “A picture taken late on June 2, 2021, shows fire raging at an oil refinery in the Iranian capital Tehran. A fierce blaze broke out at the refinery in southern Tehran after a liquefied natural gas pipeline leaked and exploded, the head of the capital’s crisis team said on state television (Photo: Vahid Ahmadi/Tasnim News/AFP).” 

Screenshot from gettyimages on 6/2/2021

CNN also published the photo on 3/6/2021 in a report titled: “Firefighters battle massive fire at Iranian oil refinery,” the photo had the follwing description: “Iranian firefighters battle fire at Tondgoyan oil refinery in Tehran on Wednesday.”

Screenshot from CNN website dated 6/3/2021

The Israeli occupation army announced on Saturday at dawn, 26/10/2024 in a statement that it had carried out a precise attack against Iranian military sites in several areas, including Iranian missile production sites, surface-to-air missile systems, and Iranian air capabilities, in response to the series of attacks launched by Iran against Israel in recent months.

The Iranian army announced the killing of two of its soldiers while confronting the attack, while the Iranian air defense announced its interception of the attacks, while limited damage was inflicted on some points.

Sources of claimSources of Verification
Moshi’s post 🆇 Moshi


Qasim Jamous Abu Watan

Bashayer Hawran



Sky News Arabia

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المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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