    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
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    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    Social media accounts have circulated videos showing Egyptian trucks with claims that they are transporting equipment for the reconstruction of Gaza.

    Kashif verified the videos via “Google Images” and found that they are old and the claims are inaccurate. The videos date back to June 2021, showing Egyptian equipment and technical teams sent to Gaza for reconstruction purposes.

    First Video: The first video was shared with the caption: “As of the morning of 17/1/2025, aid continues to flow into Palestinian territories from beloved Egypt. Long live Egypt! Engineering equipment has been arriving in Gaza since yesterday.”

    One source of the claim

    The video was originally published by Agence France-Presse on YouTube on 4/6/2021, with the caption: “Egypt sends engineering equipment and technical teams to Gaza to prepare for reconstruction.”The description stated that on 4/6/2021, Egypt sent a convoy of technical teams and engineering equipment to clear rubble from the Israeli bombardment in Gaza and prepare for reconstruction.

    Screenshot of AFP, dated 4/6/2021

    Second Video: The second video was shared with the caption: “Unmatched joy from the children and women of Gaza as Egyptian equipment arrives for the reconstruction of Gaza. Long live Egypt, mother of the world!”

    oone source of the claim

    Mahmoud Al-Amawi published the video on his YouTube channel on 5/6/2021, with the caption: “Unmatched joy from the children and women of Gaza as Egyptian equipment and vehicles arrive for the reconstruction of Gaza. Long live Egypt!”

    creenshot: Video from Mahmoud Al-Amawi, dated

    Third Video: The third video included multiple scenes and was shared with the caption: “After the ceasefire in Gaza, Egypt prepares to send equipment to clear rubble in preparation for reconstruction.” The footage was a compilation of scenes taken from various sources:

    First 5 seconds: Published by the Egyptian First Channel on YouTube on 8/6/2021, with the title: “Under President Sisi’s directives, Egyptian engineering equipment continues the reconstruction of Gaza.”

    Screenshot of the video clip from the first Egyptian channel on 8/6/2021

    Seconds 6–9 and 29–37: Taken from a video published by Al-Ghad Channel on 5/6/2021, titled: “With Egyptian hands, rubble removal and reconstruction in Gaza begin amid public applause.”

    Remaining footage (excluding seconds 29–37): Found in a video published by Al-Masdar News on 5/6/2021, documenting the entry of Egyptian equipment through the Rafah border to assist in rubble removal and reconstruction.

    Screenshot of the video clip from Al-Ghad channel on 5/6/2021

    Kashif contacted Ismail al-Thawabtah, Director of the Government Media Office, who confirmed that the trucks entering Gaza are unrelated to reconstruction. Instead, they are carrying food supplies, market goods, trader merchandise, gas, and fuel. He emphasized that reconstruction requires broad arrangements to be implemented by a political decision in the coming days or months.

    On 18/5/2021, Egypt announced a $500 million aid package for the reconstruction of Gaza following the destruction caused by the Israeli assault over 11 days.

    Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdel Ati confirmed on 18/1/2025, that an agreement was reached to allow 600 trucks to enter Gaza daily, including 50 fuel trucks.

    As part of the first phase of the ceasefire agreement, effective 19/1/2025, 600 humanitarian aid trucks will enter Gaza daily, and the Rafah crossing will reopen after seven days of the agreement’s implementation.

    On 19/1/2025, Cairo News Channel posted a tweet on “X,” confirming that its cameras captured aid trucks entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing.

    The ceasefire agreement between the Israeli military and Hamas in Gaza took effect on 19/1/2025. Israel announced it had received the names of three detainees to be released on the same date.

    Sources of claimSources of verification
    Emymouhamd mouhamd

    وأكثرهم للحق كارهون

    تحيا مصر taya masr



    فرانس برس AFP

    محمود العماوي Mahmoud Al-Amawi

    القناة الأولى المصرية Egyptian First Channel

    مدير المكتب الإعلامي الحكومي إسماعيل الثوابتة Ismail al-Thawabtah,

    قناة الغد AL Ghad

    قناة القاهرة الإخبارية المصرية Cairo News Channel

    المصدر الإخبارية AL masdar

    الشرق الأوسط AL shark Al Awsat

    تلفزيون سوريا syria Tv

    الأناضول AA

    المصراوي Al masrawe
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