Social media users and journalists claimed that the statement of the advisor to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Aarijani, which stated that “the resistance includes strong leaders and cadres, and every leader who is martyred will have a replacement,” is an old statement and not a comment on the recent Israeli occupation targeting of the southern suburbs of Beirut on Friday afternoon, 27 September 2024. 

One source of the claim

Al-Fahs and Kashif cooperated to verify the information and found it to be misleading. The statement is recent, following the recent raids that targeted the southern suburbs of Beirut. The advisor to the Iranian leader, Ali Aarijani, appeared on the iribnews channel on Friday evening and made the statement in a long interview published by the channel.

iribnews channel report on Ali Larijani’s interview
Ali Larijani interview on iribnews channel

Upon closer examination of the interview, it became clear that the videos are recent, from the targeting of the southern neighborhood.

The Israeli occupation army launched extensive air strikes on Friday afternoon, 27 September 2024, targeting 6 buildings in the southern suburb. Israeli media reported that the target was Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, while Hezbollah media did not publish any statement about Hassan Nasrallah’s fate at the time.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation army launched extensive air strikes on Friday afternoon, 9/27/2024, targeting 6 buildings in the southern suburb. Israeli media reported that the target was Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, while Hezbollah media did not publish any statement about Hassan Nasrallah’s fate until the moment of publishing the verification.

Sources of verificationSources of claim
iribnews Channel

Sky News Arabia
Jamal Cheaib | Jamal Cheaib


Moaz Qadri

Kamel Maamri

Mustafa ART

Ali Hashem 313

Silent Politics

Khomeini Gaza

E. Murtadha Al-Arabi

Sabereen News – Sabereen news

The word of truth

Ali Salam

Muhammad Qais

Amer Al-Nuwaisrawi Sajjad


Rimaz Khalil Khalil

Hassan Hadi Al-Zarkani

Hajji Muhammad Al-Hussaini

Abdullah Al-Hussaini

Urgent Dhi Qar

Email:  Phone: 00970566448448
المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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