Accounts on X published a video clip showing a car burning on the road, claiming that the video was recently taken in Netanya. The video was accompanied by the following text: “A car exploded in the Netanya settlement in the occupied interior [occupied Palestine – Israel]”.

Kashif verified the video via reverse search on Google, and found that it’s old and the claim is misleading. The video shows a car burning in Kazakhstan, not in Netanya. An account named @rabigadyusengulova877 posted the video on YouTube on 4 June 2023, with the following description: “A Land Cruiser caught fire while moving in Almaty”.

Tengrinews website also published on 4 June 2023 that the video dates back to the incident of a 2003 Toyota Land Cruiser burning, which occurred on the night of 3rd June 2023 at the intersection of Al-Farabi and Ruzibakyev Streets in Kazakhstan.

The circulation of this video comes with the spread of a video of a vehicle exploding near the police station in the city of Acre, seriously injuring a young man and a child with minor injuries on 13 August 2024.

A vehicle exploded in the city of Ramla on 12 September 2024, killing 4 people and wounding 8 others.

163 Arab citizens have been killed since the beginning of this year in Israel.

Sources of verificationSources of claim


Arabs 48

Arabs 48


Ameur Slimi
Yasser Al Omda

Abo Hannoud

Email:  Phone: 00970566448448
المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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