Israel in Arabic account on X, formerly Twitter, published a video showing a paramedic trying to save an armed injured young man during clash with the Israeli occupation forces, with the following caption: “#Hamas_theTerorrist wiped all the borders between the civilian, the terrorist, the paramedic and the employee of #UNRWA. Pay attention to how the paramedic moves the weapon and the other in civilian clothes shoots! #Gaza without #Hamas.”

Kashif verified the video and found it to be old and the claim to be misleading. Photojournalist Obdah Tahayneh, told Kashif that the video was shot on 9 November 2023 near the cinema roundabout in the city of Jenin, and the video shows a paramedic heading towards a young man who was injured during a clash with the Israeli occupation forces.

When the paramedic approached the young man, the Israeli sniper fired at him and prevented him from pulling the injured young man, so he removed the weapon from the area and crawled away from the young man. Meanwhile, the Israeli sniper continues shooting, and the weapon falls on the ground, and then it gets taken by an unknown young man near the place.

On 9 November 2023, large Israeli occupation forces, accompanied by military bulldozers, stormed the city of Jenin and its camp at dawn and destroyed the infrastructure and the streets surrounding the camp, and clashes erupted which led to the killing of 14 young people and the injury of a large number of citizens.

Source of verification
Source of claim

Journalist Obadah Tahayneh

Al-ayyam Newspaper

Email:  Phone: 00970566448448
المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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