A photo of ministers in the Israeli occupation government, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, inside a shelter, was recently shared on “X” . The photo was accompanied by the following text: “The extremist Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich was the first to flee to shelters,” indicating that the photo was taken at the same time as Hezbollah’s recent bombing of sites in Israel. 

One source of the claim

Kashif verified the image and found it to be old, as it was published by a group of media outlets and news websites on October 7th. 

At the time, the media and news websites quoted the Hebrew channel Kan as saying that the ministers of the Israeli occupation government rushed to shelters after sirens sounded in Tel Aviv during a government session. 

Al Mayadeen channel report that includes the circulated image
The photo circulated via the “Al-Qastal News” account on “X” on 7 October 2023

The Israeli occupation army  announced today, Sunday, 25 August 2024, that it launched preemptive strikes on southern Lebanon. While Hezbollah announced today that it launched a large-scale attack targeting military sites in the occupying state with a large number of missiles and drones.

Sources of verificationSources of claim
Al Mayadeen

Al Manar

Arabi 21

Quds News Network

Qastal News

Middle East

Al Jazeera
Al-Aqsa Flood

𐩨𐩬𐩩 𐩽 𐩦𐩣𐩪𐩥

Hussein Al-Khazaali

Mohammad Saad Mohammad Saad

Ali Hatem

Email: info@kashif.ps  Phone: 00970566448448 

المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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