A photo of a female soldier in the Israeli occupation army sitting on the door of a military vehicle has recently spread on “X” . The photo included the words “Gaza – Israel” with the flag of Israel. The photo was captioned: “A few meters from Egypt, the Israeli Philadelphia Axis after its liberation.” 

–A source of the claim

Kashif verified the photo through the “Google Images” tool and found that it is old and that the claim is misleading. The photo is of soldier in the Israeli occupation army “Noya Borba” , who published it along with a group of photos from the same place on her Instagram account on 1 December 2023, with the following text: “Shots from the reserves (reserve soldiers).” 

–Photo from the account of the recruit Noya Bora, dated 1 December 2023

the Israeli occupation army announced its control of the Philadelphia border axis in Gaza on 29 May 2024.

the Philadelphia Axis, also known as the “Salah al-Din Corridor,” is located along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, and is 14 kilometers long and 100 meters wide. This corridor is considered a buffer zone according to the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel.

Source of verification

Source of claim


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المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


جميع الحقوق محفظة لمنصة كاشف للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية © 2024
