    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
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    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    Jenin News account on Instagram published information about a decision issued by the Palestinian Authority to ban talk about the ongoing Israeli occupation aggression on the Gaza Strip in schools rain the West Bank; the text stated: “Whoever violates it will be imprisoned. Palestinian Authority in the West Bank issues a decision banning talk about the current events in the Gaza Strip in schools.”

    Jenin News account posted the claim on Instagram

    Kashif verified the information and found that it was fabricated. The spokesman for the Ministry of Education in Palestine, Sadiq Khaddour, denied this information and confirmed that it was a rumor and had no truth, and that no decision had been issued to ban talk about the Gaza Strip in school.

    Kashif also contacted Moaz Jabali, the principal of Omar Bin Khattab Secondary School for Boys in Baqa al-Sharqiya in Tulkarm, who denied the news and confirmed that the school had not received any circular or official letter regarding the prohibition of talk about the Gaza Strip. He added that the school and its students constantly talk on the school’s morning reception about Gaza and all events in Palestine.

    Screenshot from Omar Bin Khattab Boys Secondary School account dated 11/4/2024

    Faeq Najm, the director of Siris Secondary School for Boys, affiliated with the Qabatiya Education Directorate, also confirmed that the school had not received any official decision or letter regarding the prohibition of talking about the current events in the Gaza Strip on the school radio.

    The Observatory also contacted Mr. Khaled Abu Hassan, the director of the Martyr Majed Abu Sharar School for Boys in the Dura Governorate, south of Hebron, who explained that this is a baseless rumor, and that the school and its students talk daily about the events in Palestine and the Gaza Strip. He added that this rumor. The Observatory also provided the school with videos of the school’s students during the school radio.

    Screenshot of a video clip of the school radio of the Martyr Majed Abu Sharar Secondary School on 11/13/2024

    Dr. Muhammad Rabie, Director General of the Kingdom of Values ​​School in Ramallah Governorate, confirmed that this information is incorrect and has no basis in truth. He added that several circulars and official letters were issued by the Ministry of Education urging the necessity of talking about the events in the Gaza Strip and Palestine during the morning school radio.

    It is noteworthy that the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has been ongoing since October 2023. According to the latest update from the Palestinian Ministry of Health – Gaza on 11/17/2024, 43,846 citizens were martyred, and 103,740 others were injured, the majority of whom were children and women.

    Verification sourcesSources of the claim
    Sadiq Khaddour – Spokesperson for Education in Palestine

    Moaz Jabali – Director of Omar Bin Khattab Secondary School for Boys in Baqa al-Sharqiya in Tulkarm

    Faeq Najm – Director of Siris Secondary School for Boys affiliated with the Education Directorate – Qabatiya

    Mr. Khaled Abu Hassan – Director of the Martyr Majed Abu Sharar School for Boys in the Dura Governorate, south of Hebron

    Dr. Muhammad Rabei Director General of the Kingdom of Values ​​School in the Ramallah Governorate

    Palestinian Ministry of Health – Gaza
    Jenin News
    رابط المقالة المختصر: https://kashif.ps/ga1e
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