    المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.
    تواصل معنا
    واتسب: 00970566448448
    ايميل: info@kashif.ps
    المكتب الرئيسي: فلسطين - نابلس - رفيديا - عمارة جودة - ط1.
    المكتب الفرعي: رام الله - المصيون - عمارة الطيراوي-ط1.

    Information attributed to Reuters about the kidnapping of the Israeli ambassador to Cyprus has spread on social media. The claim reads as follows: “Reuters: The Israeli ambassador to Cyprus has been kidnapped, along with two of his companions, and contact with them has been lost.”

    One source of the claim

    Kashif verified the information and found it to be fabricated, as the Israeli ambassador to Cyprus, Oren Anolik, posted a video clip on his official account on “X” on Wednesday, 2/10/2024, in which he explained that he is fine and that what is being circulated about his kidnapping is just false information. 

    Video from Anolek’s account on “X”

    Hello everyone, I would like to clarify that I had to make this video because there is some kind of fake news going around that I have been kidnapped. I assure you that this never happened, I am fine, everything is fine. It seems that someone has come up with a very creative way to get the whole world to call me and text me and wish me a Happy Jewish New Year. So, thank you,” Anolik said in the video.

    Kashif’s team also searched the official website of Reuters and did not find any mention of the kidnapping of Israel’s ambassador to Cyprus.

    Kashif had previously verified a group of claims about burning and targeting the Israeli embassies in IndiaBahrain, and Istanbul, and it turned out that they were incorrect. 

    Sources of verificationSources of claim
    Oren Anolik

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