Youba Tv” X account recently published a song video clip superimposed on a picture of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming that it was released in praise of Netanyahu, “Syrians release a song glorifying Netanyahu after he avenged the thousands of children and women killed by Hezbollah in Syria.” 

One source of the claim

Kashif verified the clip and found that it was truncated and that the claim was misleading. The clip is from the song “Free Bekeifi Free – From My Day Control” by Syrian singer Daoud Al Abdallah. The “Daoud Al Abdallah” channel on YouTube had published the song on 12/9/2023. 

Screenshot of the song’s video clip on Daoud Al Abdallah’s YouTube channel \ Posted on 12/9/2023

Khaled Al-Abdullah, business manager of Syrian singer Daoud Al-Abdullah, denied the claim to Kashif and confirmed that Daoud Al-Abdullah is a popular singer, and that all his songs are not associated with any political figure.

Kashif had previously verified misleading videos published by accounts on social media platforms, which claimed to document Syrians’ celebrations after the pager device bombings in Lebanon.

Sources of ClaimSources of Verification
Youba TvDaoud Al Abdallah |

Khaled Al Abdallah, business manager of the Syrian singer Daoud Al Abdallah,

Kashif (1)

Kashif (2)
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