First: The Quraish account on “X” published a video clip showing a person lying on the ground and another person pouring what looked like blood on him, and the clip was accompanied by the following claim: “Liars, God Almighty said: (Indeed, the hypocrites seek to deceive God, and He will deceive them) Glory be to God, they are exposed,” indicating that the video indicates that the Palestinians are falsifying scenes in the Gaza Strip.

Kashif verified the video and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video is of the scenes of the series “Birth of Dawn 2”, which was broadcast on the “New Scene” channel on YouTube in 2023. The scene occurs between 1:19 minutes and 3:51 minutes of episode 25, which was published on 30 April 2023.

Kashif Observatory contacted the Palestinian artist Ghassan Salem, who acted in the series “Birth of Dawn,” and he confirmed that the circulated video is from behind the scenes of a scene in the series “Birth of Dawn,” which was filmed in the Al-Zawaida area. Salem added that the cinematic trick maker who appears in the video is the artist, Berengi Al-Madhoun.
The Kashif Observatory team also searched Beringi Al-Madhoun’s account on TikTok and found that he posted the circulating video on 5/24/2023, accompanied by the following text: “Beringi is a Palestinian actor and makeup artist.”

Second: The account “ GAZAWOOD1 ” published on the “X” platform a video clip showing tanks and soldiers clashing with a certain party, and attached the clip with the following claim: “This is a high level,” indicating that the people of the Gaza Strip are faking scenes in the Strip and misleading public opinion.

Kashif Observatory verified the authenticity of the video and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video dates back to the backstage of the series “ Birth of Dawn 2 ”, where the Observatory team found the original scene from behind the scenes, which falls between 37:54 minutes and 40:16 minutes from episode 14, which was spread via the “New Scene” channel on YouTube on 4/27/2023.

Kashif contacted Palestinian artist Ghassan Salem, who acted in the series “Birth of Dawn”, and who confirmed that he filmed the circulated video using his personal phone, while filming the series “Birth of Dawn”. Salem explained that the scene replicate the invasion of Jenin camp, and was filmed in the Salah al-Din Gate area in Rafah.
Third: X account “GAZAWOOD1” recently posted on the platform a video clip showing a group of people coming out of a building surrounded by others wearing military uniforms. The clip was accompanied by the following claim: “I think it’s time to participate in the film industry in Gaza. Wait, it’s already been free since 1948”.

Kashif verified the video and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video is also from behind the scenes of “Birth of Dawn 2”. Kashif’s team found the original scene from behind the scenes, which falls between 41:21 minutes and 43:35 minutes of episode 22, which was published by “New Scene” channel on YouTube on 30 April 2023.

Kashif also contacted Palestinian artist Ghassan Salem in this case too, who confirmed that the video shows a scene from the invasion of Jenin camp in the series “Birth of Dawn,” specifically when the Israeli occupation army besieged fighters, who left the building after surrendering. Salem added that the scene was captured in the Salah al-Din Gate area in Rafah.
Fourth: “GAZAWOOD1” also published a video clip on “X” showing a person spraying a head-shaped model with what looks like blood, amidst a fire. The clip was accompanied by the following claim: “Just a movie,” indicating that the video indicates that the Palestinians are falsifying scenes in the Gaza Strip.

Kashif verified the video and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video is the behind the scenes of “Birth of Dawn 2”. Kashif’s team found the original scene from behind the scenes, which falls between 27:06 and 27:23 minutes of episode 23, published by “New Scene” channel on YouTube on 30 April 2023.

Kashif again contacted Salem, who explained that the video dates back to filming the scenes of the series “Birth of Dawn,” adding that the person who sprayed the model of the opinion with what looked like blood is the artist and cinematic tricks maker, Berengi Al-Madhoun.
Kashif’s team also searched Berengi Al-Madhoun’s account on TikTok and found that he had posted the circulating video on 19 May 2023 titled: “Behind the scenes of the series Birth of Dawn 2”.
Kashif had previously verified a group of videos from behind the scenes of the series Birth of Dawn , which were attached to the same claims, as evidence of Palestinians falsifying scenes in the Gaza Strip to mislead public opinion.
Sources of claim | Sources if verification |
Quraish GAZAWOOD1 (1) GAZAWOOD1 (2) GAZAWOOD1 (3) | Palestinian artist Ghassan Salem (1) New Scene New Scene Berangi Al-Madhoun (2) New Scene New Scene (3) New Scene (4) New Scene Berangi Al-Madhoun (2) Kashif Observatory (1) Kashif Observatory (2) |