Israeli accounts on social media published a picture of Palestinian doctor Nasr al-Madhoun from Gaza wearing a doctor’s gown, and next to a picture of a group of young men shirtless men with weapons, claiming that Dr. Al-Madhoun is among them.
The post said: “Meet Dr. Nasr AlMadhoun, a physician by day, but shockingly a Hamas terrorist in hiding. He surrendered among other Hamas terrorists who hid inside a hospital in Gaza.”

Kashif verified the claim and found it to be incorrect. Kashif contacted Dr. Nasr Al-Madhoun from northern Gaza, who appears in the photo wearing a doctor’s uniform, and told Kashif that he was not detained. He denied to Kashif that he was the one seen in the other photo carrying a weapon, and confirmed that he was not arrested and is in good health.

Source of verification Source of claim
Dr. Nasr Al-MadhounHananya Naftali

Dr. Eli David

Israel hoje

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David Collier

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Israel war info



Shurat HaDin

Agencia AJN

Monica Laredo

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المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


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