الكاتب: Thirka

انتشرت على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي صورة لجثمان مع الادعاء أنه للشهيد المنشد حمزة أبو قينص حيث أرفقت الصورة بالادعاء التالي: “جثمان الشهيد المنشد القسامي القائد حمزة أبو قينص”.  تحقق مرصد كاشف من صحة الصورة ووجد أنها رُبطت بشكل خاطئ، حيث تواصل فريق المرصد مع خالد الطيراوي مدير أعمال الشهيد حمزة أبو قنيص الذي نفى بدوره أن الصورة تعود لشهيد حمزة وأكد أنه “لغاية اللحظة لم يتم الوصول لجثمان الشهيد الموجود في منطقة اسمها الكرامة بالقرب من حي الشيخ رضوان وجباليا”، كما أكد أن الصورة تعود لجثمان الشهيد معتصم هنية”.  كما تواصل فريق المرصد مع إيناس هنية، التي أكدت لكاشف أن…

قراءة المزيد

Accounts on “X” recently published a video clip of demonstrators carrying coffins wrapped in Israeli flags, claiming that they were the bodies of occupation soldiers in Haifa.  Kashif verified the video via “Google Images” tool and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The clip circulated last September of demonstrators in Tel Aviv carrying fake coffins demanding an agreement to release the Israeli prisoners held in Gaza. The Associated Press published the video on 6/9/2024 with the following caption: “Protesters carrying mock coffins draped in Israeli flags made their way through a demonstration in Tel Aviv on Thursday, demanding a deal…

قراءة المزيد

A photo of military vehicles has recently been circulating on social media, with the claim it was published by the Pentagon, documenting “the arrival of US forces in Israel to operate the THAAD air defense system. Zero hour is approaching.”  Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” tool, and found that it is old and wrongly linked to the arrival of US forces in Israel. The Pentagon did not publish the image, it dates back to parts of the “Thaad” missile defense system equipment that the United States transferred to South Korea in 2017. The RT website published the photo on April 25,…

قراءة المزيد

نشرت حسابات حديثًا على منصة “X” مقطع فيديو لمتظاهرين يحملون توابيت ملفوفة بعلم الاحتلال مع الادعاء أنها لجثث جنود جيش الاحتلال في حيفا. تحقق مرصد كاشف من صحة الفيديو من خلال البحث بواسطة أداة “Google Images” ووجد أنه قديم وأن الادعاء مضلل، فالمقطع انتشر في أيلول الماضي لمتظاهرين في تل أبيب يحملون توابيت وهمية مطالبين باتفاق لإطلاق سراح أسرى الاحتلال المحتجزين بغزة. حيث نشر موقع Associated Press مقطع الفيديو بتاريخ 2024.9.6 مرفقًا بالنص التالي: “متظاهرون يحملون توابيت وهمية ملفوفة بالأعلام الإسرائيلية شقوا طريقهم عبر مظاهرة في تل أبيب يوم الخميس، مطالبين باتفاق لإطلاق سراح الرهائن المتبقين المحتجزين في غزة”. كما…

قراءة المزيد

Accounts on “ X” published a photo of Israeli soldiers with the following caption: “An Israeli injured in the drone attack south of Haifa told the “Walla” website: Everything shook, people started screaming in pain, and the place was filled with blood,” indicating that the photo was taken after the drone attack on the Golani Brigade camp south of Haifa.  Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” tool and found that it is old and was incorrectly linked to the drone attack that targeted the Golani Brigade camp on Sunday 13/10/2024. The image shows soldiers waiting for army experts to inspect…

قراءة المزيد

A design has been circulating on WhatsApp groups showing pictures and names of Israeli prime minister and Israeli military leaders, with Hezbollah’s logo in the top right corner. A mark was placed on the picture of Israeli army’s chief of staff, Herzi Halevi, indicating his assassination. The groups claimed that Hezbollah published the design after a drone attack on the Golani Brigade camp near Binyamina, south of Haifa. Kashif verified the claim and found that it was subjected to plagiarism and manipulation. Kashif searched the official website of Hezbollah media and did not find an official statement announcing the killing…

قراءة المزيد

Social media accounts posted a photo of a child with amputated legs and a dog next to him, claiming that he is from Gaza, “It is not a scene from the movie: We Don’t Know Where to Go,” and the claim was accompanied by the following hashtags: Gaza is being annihilated, Gaza is being annihilated and burned, Gaza in Genocide.” Indicating that the photo was taken during the current aggression on the Gaza Strip. Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” tool and found that it is old and that the claim is misleading. The image was circulated in 2016 and 2019…

قراءة المزيد

Accounts on “X” published a photo of a group of soldiers, claiming it shows American forces sent by .the United States to Israel, “The United States of America is sending forces to Israel” Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” tool and found that it is old. The image shows US Marines boarding an American plane from McGuire Air Force Base to be transported to Afghanistan in 2021, not to Israel. Alamy and The Jerusalem Post websites published the photo on 18/8/2021, with the following caption: “US Marines load onto a US C-17 Globemaster from McGuire Air Force Base to be transported to Afghanistan…

قراءة المزيد

Accounts on X published a video clip showing a gathering of citizens, claiming that the video is recent, showing thousands of Lebanese leaving after Hezbollah targeted the Israeli occupation army camp Golani on Sunday 13/10/2024. The video was accompanied by the following caption: “Thousands of Lebanese are leaving the suburbs and other neighborhoods in Beirut, fearing a devastating Israeli response after targeting the #Binyamina base.” Kashif verified the video via Google, and found that the video is old and the claim is misleading. The video was published by Al-Jadeed Channel on Facebook on 9/10/2024, with the following caption: “A major dispute at Ain El…

قراءة المزيد

Accounts on “X” published a picture of showing a huge explosion, claiming that it was an attack by Hezbollah on the Israeli Golani camp, “This is the Golani Brigade base that was bombed by Hezbollah. We are at your service, Nasrallah.” Kashif verified the image via “Google Images” and found that it is old and was incorrectly linked to the Golani camp attack on Sunday, 13/10/2024, by Hezbollah. The image shows the aftermath of an Israeli army raid that targeted the southern suburbs of Beirut on 6/10/2024. Reuters published the photo on 7/10/2024 in a report with the following title: “Israel strikes Lebanon, Gaza…

قراءة المزيد

Email: info@kashif.ps  Phone: 00970566448448 

المرصد الفلسطيني للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية – كاشف، منصة مستقلة تهدف إلى مكافحة المعلومات المضللة وتعزيز مبادئ أخلاقيات النشر.


جميع الحقوق محفظة لمنصة كاشف للتحقق والتربية الإعلامية © 2024
