A video clip of a person on a hospital bed has recently spread on social media, with the claim that he is “a wounded pager holders and a leader in the Lebanese Hezbollah party performing oral sex in a hospital.”

Kashif verified the video and found that it is old and the claim is misleading. The video was published by different accounts on social media in 2019.

The website “ Latestly” also published the video on 13/9/2019 and stated that the clip was circulated as being in Emporium Hospital in Pakistan, but there is no official confirmation of that.

The pager devices exploded on Tuesday 17/9/2024, with their carriers in southern Lebanon, the southern suburbs of Beirut, the Bekaa in eastern Lebanon, as well as in the Syrian capital, Damascus, and the Rif Dimashq Governorate.
On Wednesday 18/9/2024 ICOM wireless devices also exploded in the hands of their holders and inside homes in different areas of southern Lebanon and the southern suburb of Lebanon.
Hezbollah held the Israeli occupation responsible for the attack.